Friday, 13 June 2014

Z Talks About Comics: June 11th, 2014

Isn't it nice to review comics? Yep. It is. I haven't done it in a while and hopefully i can keep up with it for the next few weeks, while i'm still in the city and able to pick up comics on a regular basis. At the beginning of July i wont have access to my comics until the end of the month or so (and the same goes for August) so i'll probably just be posting news, conspiracies, rumours, and Stephanie Brown worship articles. Yes, i am enjoying Batman Eternal.

Batman Eternal #10
Written By: John Layman
Art By: Riccardo Burchielli
SCORE: 8/10

Batman Eternal #10

Wow! 10 issues of Batman Eternal already! This issue bids farewell to John Layman and his contributions to Batman Eternal. He goes out on a pretty solid note. Catwoman, Falcone, and Professor Pyg are the focus of this issue, and we get some more light on Catwoman and Falcone's prior history. Layman has probably done my favourite script work of the series, and he will be sadly missed. Let's hope Kyle Higgins can fill the void. The Stephanie Brown sequence in this issue was super depressing, and i still think making her mother a bad guy was a bad idea. The increased focus on the Falcone stuff was getting a little boring, and next issue's focus on Batgirl and Red Hood is going to be great. Hopefully we can get an increased focus on the Bat Family members moving forward. This was a nice issue, and Layman will definitely be missed.

Detective Comics #32
Written By: Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
Art By: Francis Manapul

Detective Comics #32

Manapul and Buccellato are doing an excellent job on Detective Comics. Detective Comics feels like an ACTUAL detective story for the first time since Snyder's run back in 2011. The art is next level stuff, and the writing is is throughly enjoyable. There is some sort of mystery going on and Batman is trying to get to the bottom of it (hence DETECTIVE COMICS). Harvey Bullock is one of my favourite Batman characters, and his characterization in this issue is great. We get to see what Bullock does when he isn't working, and it's way too cute. It seems Annie Aguila will be playing some sort of greater role in Gotham, but it unclear what role she will play down the road especially since her mother is dead. New Robin? Who knows. I'm guessing it hinges on what Tomasi does this summer in Batman and Robin.

Justice League United #2
Written By: Jeff Lemire
Art By: Mike McKone
SCORE: 9/10

Justice League United #2

This issue expands on more of the cosmic, and less on the Canadian, and despite my patriotism, this was a great issue. Supergirl finally joins the team, and for some reason she isn't a Red Lantern anymore. The art is absolutely gorgeous. Mike McKone kills it on this book. Marcelo Maiolo's colours are out of this world (heh) much like his work on Green Lantern Corps. The relationship Jeff Lemire is developing between Green Arrow and Animal Man is something really special and quite hilarious (SPACESHIP ARROW) not to mention Stargirl's reaction to Supergirl's entrance. Ultra the Multi Alien is fringe enough of a character to be a great idea. Hopefully we get more Canada and more Equinox next issue, but i loved this issue besides that.

Futures End #6
Written By: Azzarello, Giffen, Jurgens, Lemire
Art By: Patrick Zircher
SCORE: 8/10

The New 52: Futures End #6

Patrick Zircher is clearly the best artist on this book's rotating artists. It's always a treat to looks at his art work. This issue gets back on two of my favourite sub plots of the series, one being the Frankenstein/Amethyst/Ray Palmer Shade story. It's clearly written by Jeff Lemire, and it shows. Ray Palmer naming his ship the "Nan-Knight" was just plain awesome. The Lois Lane and Tim Drake storyline is so refreshing after 3 years of shitty Tim Drake characterization. I'm intrigued to find out who this masked Superman is, and i'm also hoping that the Batman Beyond story starts picking up. Despite the dragging Batman Beyond story, this was a pretty good issue.

Green Lantern Corps #32
Written By: Van Jensen
Art By: Bernard Chang and Moritat
SCORE: 7/10

Green Lantern Corps #32

More Sodam Yat and Daxam stuff! Sodam Yat was my favourite Lantern during Tomasi and Gleason's run, and i'm so happy to have him back. Lots of crazy shit going down between the Daxamites and the Durlans, UPRISING! I'd be really happy if the Lantern books would stop doing these crossovers, and get back to consistently thrilling storyarcs (much like Tomasi's run). The art by Chang is absolutely amazing, and Moritat (of All Star Western) does some commendable fill in work. The worst part of the book is when Sodam Yat decides to stay out of the final battle. WE NEED MORE SODAM! Solid issue.

Amazing Spider-Man #1.2
Written By: Dan Slott
Art By: Ramon Pérez
SCORE: 7/10

The Amazing Spider-Man #1.2

Learning to Crawl continues, as Peter Parker keeps being a douche bag to everyone. These issue definitely capture the vibe of the early Amazing Spider-Man issues, even with editorial references to Amazing Spider-Man #1. I really like the behind the scenes looks at early Spider-Man moments, like when Spider-Man tries to join the Fantastic Four, his first encounter with the Chameleon, and the space shuttle accident. Ramon Pérez's art really captures the era, and it's great to look at. One of the big problem i have with this series is the focus being more on Clash than it is on Spider-Man. I highly doubt that Clash will play a role in present day ASM, so it'll be interesting to see what becomes of him. I feel like this series will read really well once it is collected in trade.

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