Thursday, 30 January 2014

Mega Man X Crossover Teaser

I love Mega Man. The games mainly, but i have read a few issues of the comic series put out by Archie Comics. When i heard that X and Zero would be appearing in the back-up stories of Mega Man #34 and #35 respectively, i decided to add the title to my pull list (hence why it is on the side bar of the site). Mega Man X is too rad to pass up. 

These back-ups are supposed to lead into a Mega Man/X Crossover coming in the spring (and hopefully a Mega Man X ongoing FINGERS CROSSED) and today we got our first teaser of this crossover. 

Stay tuned for more Mega Man stuff. Guts Man's ass. 

Dustin Nguyen Line Art from Batman Eternal #4

You may have guessed that i'm way too excited for this book. Dustin Nguyen posted some of his line art for Batman Eternal #4 to his Facebook page, and it's pretty awesome. Can't stand waiting for this book any longer. I MUST HAVE IT NOW. 

As usual, stay tuned for more Batman Eternal HYPE.

Batman #28 Early Preview

Gotham Spoilers figured out a way to get lots of early DC previews thanks to preordering digital comics. Here is Batman #28, an issue i'm personally very excited for.

All credit goes to Gotham Spoilers. 

Harper's hair looks weird. Dustin Nguyen is rad. Where is Stephanie? 

All credit to 

Marcio Takara on a DC Ongoing in "a few months"

Super rad artist Marcio Takara posted this lovely drawing of Supergirl on his twitter last night.
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Takara is an amazing artist, and has only done some fill in issues for DC so far. Naturally, i told him that he should be on a DC ongoing. Here was his response (it wasn't double rainbow): 

He is probably talking about the new Smallville story arc he is working on in April, BUT WHAT IF HE ISN'T?! 

Can't a guy just get a Bryan Q. Miller and Marcio Takara Stephanie Brown ongoing? I mean they are doing Smallville together, why not something in continuity?

Stay tuned for more maybe.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Not that bad actually. I still don't have very high hopes for the movie. Sorry Mr. Bay and that other guy.



This is about comics right? I post what i want. TURTLES IS COMICS. COMICS IS TURTLES.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014



Batman and Robin Annual #2
Batman and Robin Annual #2: I love me some Doug Mahnke art, also it's a cool Dick Grayson Robin story. I got a feeling this one is going to either be really good, or at least hit me in the feels. Mike McKone's cover is really good as well, and i'm quite excited to see more of his work on Justice League United.
Black Science #3
Black Science #3: SCIENCE BITCH. This series has been pretty enjoyable so far. Remender has been on quite a roll as of late, and i'm excited to see what is coming up next with Black Science. Matteo Scalera has beautiful artwork that i look forward to every issue. He always lets me know what characters are good, and which ones are evil using crazy ass facial expressions.

Damian: Son of Batman #4
Damian: Son of Batman #4 (of 4): Good riddance to shitty books. At least the art is really nice. That is about the only thing to look forward for this book. Stick to art Mr. Kubert.
Earth 2 Annual #2
Earth 2 Annual #2: BATMAN ORIGINS. CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THOSE! But this is a different Batman! Earth 2 Batman, who may or may not be Thomas Wayne. Either way, Tom Taylor is the fucking man and Earth 2 has maintained it's quality even after the departure of James Robinson. It's nice to get another annual considering how short the regular issues seem to be.
Green Lantern Corps Annual #2
Green Lantern Corps Annual #2: Durlans? Cylons? Clayface? Sodam Yat? Can we have Sodam Yat back? Not sure what to think of this issue. I guess that means i'll have to read it and find out!
Guardians of the Galaxy #11.NOW
Guardians of the Galaxy #11.NOW: Part 2 of Trial of Jean Grey. This crossover has a lot of potential. Hopefuly Bendis doesn't pull a Bendis and make it a pointless and boring snore fest (See: AvX, Age of Ultron, Battle of the Atom). I'm mainly reading Guardians now for that Symbiote home planet storyline that's coming up, and i'm reading All New X-Men so i can read Guardians. Curses.
Miracleman #2
Miracleman #2: I never got the chance to read Miracleman (like many others) until Marvel starting re-releasing it this year. After reading #1, I now understand all the buzz and praise this series gets. I was completely blown away by Miracleman #1, and i'm really excited to read #2! It's true when they say that [The Original Writer] can't write a bad book!

Red Lanterns #27
Red Lanterns #27: The best Lantern book PERIOD. Next to Green Arrow, Red Lanterns is one of the biggest turn-around books in the New 52. The Red Lanterns are like this rad cosmic biker gang, and Guy Gardner is a member so they are automatically 100% better. I'm excited for the shifted focus back to Earth (something the Lantern books have been lacking for a while) and for Supergirl to pop up next issue! Charles Soule is a fucking machine.
Saga #18
Saga #18: I don't need to say anything here, but LOOK AT THAT FUCKING COVER MAN. LYING CAT 4 LYFE. BKV can do no wrong in my books. Saga is going on break again, so i'm going to be sad for a nice few months.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #30
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #30: TMNT is such an excellent, and yet often overlooked series by many comic review sites. City Fall got me on the Turtle ship, and now i'm sticking with the Turtles. The art on this arc is a bit of a drop from the City Fall stuff, but Santolouco is back on the title after this North Hampton arc. This arc is a little short on the action side, but it is entertaining none the less.

Dear Comic People, I'm still waiting on a Samurai Pizza Cats ongoing.

The Superior Spider-Man #26
The Superior Spider-Man #26: Alas poor SpOck, we hardly knew him. Peter is coming back, but SpOck's adventures were so good! Hopefully Dan Slott and friends send him out on a high note. Goblin Nation starts next month, and it's going to be cool to try and guess how Peter is going to come back. SpOck's confrontation with the Avengers will no doubt be rad.

Come back this weekend when i give my thoughts on these issues and possibly more! Be good to each other!

Green Lantern Corps/Flash Writer Van Jensen Being a Tease

This morning Comic Book Resources posted "Top 11 Titles Which Deserve A New 52 Revival" (which you can check out right here). CBR posted a link to the article on their twitter account, and Van Jensen (Green Lantern Corps, The Flash) had this to say in response:

If Jensen isn't just joking around there is a chance that he could writing one of these 11 series suggested by CBR.

1. The Question
2. New Gods
3. Doom Patrol
4. Black Canary
5. Deathstroke 
6. Legion of Superheroes
7. Azrael
8. New Teen Titans
9. Young Justice
10. JSA
11. The Joker

Considering the state of the current DCU, the most likely ones at this point would be Doom Patrol (Coming off the aftermath of Forever Evil), New Teen Titans, and Young Justice (After the cancellation of Teen Titans). Of course all of the other series are a possibility, but considering the type of writing Van Jensen usually does, TT or YJ would seem most logical.

Scott Lobdell (former writer of Teen Titans) himself said that DC has plans for the Teen Titans after the series ends in April. Van Jensen would be the perfect writer to take the reigns on a book about young heroes (and would be a welcome change from the last 30 or so issues from Lobdell). Jensen will be writing the New 52 introduction of Wally West (with frequent collaborator Robert Vendetti) come April, which could definitely lead into a New Teen Titans book or a Young Justice book by the time the summer rolls around. 

Naturally, I asked Van Jensen for a comment on the situation

Double Rainbow ongoing confirmed.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

What are you reading/covering Z?

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An average pull (circa September 2013)
I'm glad you asked!

Here at Z Talks About Comics, i don't exclusively talk about DC comics. I talk about ALL comics. DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Archie, Wildstorm, Dreamwave, Mirage, Eclipse, Charlton, etc. NO HATE. I love all comics. NO DISCRIMINATION.

So expect reviews/opinions on pretty much whatever is in my pull list. I might also do a pick of the week article, and best panels of the week article. I'm going to keep tally of the creators who worked on the picks of the week, and at the end of the year the writer and artist with the most picks gets a free muffin basket (LOL JK SHIPPING A MUFFIN BASKET IS EXPENSIVE).

If you want to keep track of things, you can follow me on Twitter and you can keep track of my pull list over at League of Comic Geeks. I should have a sidebar that lets you know what i'm reading very soon.


Saturday, 25 January 2014

In the Beginning...

It is a time of civil war...

So I worked for this website. It's a DC Fan Page. News, Reviews, Podcasts, the usual stuff. Then one day everything goes to shit. Everyone is mad, people are leaving to start a new site, it's a cluster fuck to say the least. Trying to explain it would be impossible, and i'd rather not try.

I had to choose between two sites. I choose not to. A friend reminded me of a better alternative. Make your own site where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. No deadlines, no news quota. Completely unhinged, hardcore comic blogging. And that brings us to right now.

Welcome to my little Comic blog Z Talks About Comics. I, Z will talk about comics. That's about the gist of it. Expect Opinions, Reviews, News, speculation, and plenty of Stephanie Brown worship. It's gonna be cool for sure. Maybe.